Potential Log Off Error:

If, when a user clicks the Log Off link, the DM Classic Webtop logon screen loads instead of the log off screen and the message “Your login session has timed out, please relogon.” is displayed, the log off process is incomplete and must be repeated.

The message “Your login session has timed out” means the current DM Classic Webtop session has been idle (no user activity) for a specific length of time defined by your DM administrator.

As a security feature, when a communications session expires due to user inactivity, the DM Classic Webtop requires users to log on again before they are allowed to perform any further functions—this includes the log off function.

When the log off fails in this manner, it means that all open communications links with the DM server are already closed but that the other log off functions have not been performed.

If you encounter this error when logging off the DM Classic Webtop, log back on and then continue the normal log off process. Failure to do so may result in personal security information remaining in the local browser cache and user-specific variables used by the DM Classic Webtop Application Integration feature remaining on the user's computer.

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