Using the Navigation Pane

  • Quick Reference: Accesses recently edited documents, documents that you have currently checked out, public folders, and Quick Searches.

  • My Workspaces: Displays your list of workspaces.

  • DM Admin: Gives administrators access to the DM Admin utility. You can use this tool to perform database management tasks, change DM Classic Webtop configuration, and manage Web-based deployment of DM Classic Webtop installation packages.

  • Incoming Tasks: Displays the Incoming Tasks page, which lists your incoming DM WorkFlow tasks. You can filter the list by Type, Priority, Status, and Time using the Filter button.

  • Note: This tab will only appear on your toolbar if DM WorkFlow is installed on the DM server that is currently being accessed.

  • DM Routes: Displays the DM Routes page from which you can access the View Routes, View Tasks, and Monitored Routes tabs. You can filter the list by Type, Priority, Status, and Time using the Filter button. Note: This tab will only appear on your navigation bar if DM WorkFlow is installed on the DM server that is currently being accessed.

  • My Options: Allows you to: change the appearance and behavior of the DM Classic Webtop; access and modify your personal Profile defaults; and install and configure optional components, including application integration and DM Extensions.

  • Mail Options: Displays the Mail Options page for DM WorkFlow. From this page you can select the events for which a notification e-mail will be sent. Note: This link will only appear on your navigation bar if DM WorkFlow has been installed on the DM server that is currently being accessed.

  • About: Lists the software version and patch level, as well as copyright information.

  • Log Off: Closes all open DM Classic Webtop files and clears your personal security information from the local cache. This prevents unauthorized access by the next person using the browser.

  • Help: Launches the context-sensitive online help for the DM Classic Webtop page currently displayed in the workspace.

  • Search field: Performs an instant document search when you enter a document number or content search phrase and then click the Go icon.

  • Quick Searches: Displays the Quick Searches page. From the Quick Searches pages you can create a new Quick Search, or you can use, modify, and delete any defined Quick Search to which you have access.

  • Advanced: Displays the Advanced Search page from which you can perform a Profile Search, Content Search, or Custom Search.

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