Items List

Applies to each items listing except listings on the Quick Reference page. To set defaults for the Quick Reference page, see the next section.

Enter the maximum number of items to be displayed for each of the following categories:


Determines the maximum number of pages of items that will be available for display. The default value is 30; your DM administrator can change this default value.

items per page:

Determines the maximum number of items that will be displayed on each page. The default value is 10; your DM administrator can change this default value.

Quick Reference

Allows you to define display options for the Quick Reference page:

items in each section:

This text entry field defines the maximum number of items that will be displayed on each of the tabs (Checked Out, Recently Edited, Public Folders, Quick Searches, Workspaces, and, where installed, DM WorkFlow) on the Quick Reference page. The default value is 10; your DM administrator can change this default value.

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