The Loan Command

In RM, loaning a File Part or Box records the fact that the item is being physically moved from its storage location and given to a user—the “borrower.” If an item is currently being borrowed by another user, the Loan function can also be used to record the transfer of the item from one user to another.

The Loan function is usually performed by users with supervisory rights, but this may not be the case in all organizations. When an item is loaned to any user, all other requests for that item are updated to show that the item is already borrowed. For example, if two requests are in conflict and the item is loaned to one user, the status of the other request is changed to Borrowed indicating that the requested item is not currently available.

If the user's organizational rules permit, paper documents can also be requested and borrowed. This is usually done to resolve a conflict in requests. For example, if one user needs a File Part and another user needs a single Document from that File Part, the Document can be separated from the File Part and loaned to the user as one item.

Using the Loan command, it is not necessary to perform a request on an item before loaning it to a user.

To loan an item:

  1. On the Search Results page, select the item(s), or open the Document Details page for the item to loan.

  2. Click Loan to access the Loan page.

  3. In the Borrower field, enter a user name or click the table lookup button to see all valid user names.

  4. In the Date field, enter the date the item was borrowed from the storage location or from the previous borrower.

  5. In the Date Due field, enter the date the item will be returned.

  6. Click Loan.

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