Use a Table Lookup

By default, the values presented in the table lookup window are ordered alphabetically by the values in the first column. Clicking any column header allows you to reorder the field values. The first click sorts in ascending alphabetical order, the second click sorts in descending alphabetical order.

A table lookup can only display up to 10 entries at one time. In the event that the information table being accessed by the lookup contains more than 10 entries, the additional pages can be accessed through links on the right-hand side of the window. The > link loads the next page. The >> link loads the last page.

To select an item from the list, you can either:

  1. Click anywhere in the row. When you move your mouse over the row, the row is highlighted.

  2. Select the check box next to the item you want.

To select multiple field values:

  • Continue choosing items by clicking in the row or selecting the check box next to the additional item you want.

To remove an entry from the list, you can either:

  1. Clear the check box next to the item you want to remove.

  2. Click anywhere in the row.

Once the list is complete, click the OK button to return to the form. The items you chose in the table lookup are now displayed in the appropriate field with commas used as separators. To close the table lookup window without applying any choices, click Cancel.

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