Configure Trigger Events for Documents and Folders

These fields define the nature and content of the notification that will be sent when the trigger event occurs:

Message Type
Select an option from the drop-down list:
Limited to 150 characters
The notification message sent to the user will be limited to 150 characters in length. This option is best suited for notifications sent to wireless devices with minimal display capabilities (such as a cell phone).
Unlimited characters
The notification message sent to the user will not be limited in length. This option is best suited for notifications sent to wireless devices with extended display capabilities (such as a PDA or laptop computer).
Use the table lookup button to select the user to be notified when the trigger event occurs.
Select an option from the drop-down list:
Once: A notification message will only be sent the first time the trigger event occurs.
Forever: A notification message will be sent every time the trigger event occurs until the user disables the Notification feature for the document or folder.
Date/Time: A notification message will be sent every time the trigger event occurs until the specific date and time defined in the M/D/Y and H:M fields.
When Date/Time is selected in the Frequency field, this field determines the specific date, in the form of Month/Day/Year, on which the notification process is to stop.
Both the M/D/Y and H:M fields must be defined for the Date/Time option to work correctly.
When Date/Time is selected in the Frequency field, this field determines the specific time, in the form of Hours:Minutes, on which the notification process is to stop.
Both the M/D/Y and H:M fields must be defined for the Date/Time option to work correctly.
Notification Message
Defines the content of the notification message to be sent when the trigger event occurs. The default message displayed in this field can be defined on the Display Options tab of the DM Classic Webtop My Options page.
The value %OBJNAME displays the name of the document or folder to which the notification message pertains.
The value %ACTTYPE displays the type of trigger event to which the notification message pertains.
The value %ACTUSER displays the name of the user who performed the trigger event to which the notification message pertains.
For example, a notification message configured as:
would result in this notification message:
Quarterly Results has been Viewed by Jane Smith.

After defining and configuring the trigger events for the currently selected document or folder, click the Submit icon to save the configuration settings.

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