Edit Personal Profile Defaults

If you are a Java forms user, the Edit Personal Profile Defaults page allows you to predefine information to be displayed in the fields of your various profile forms. This information is displayed in the appropriate fields the next time you must fill out the specified profile form.

To edit your Personal Profile Defaults:

  1. Click the My Options link on the toolbar.

  2. Click the Profile Defaults tab.

  3. Click a link under the Form Description column corresponding to the desired Application. For instance, click the Default Profile Form link for the “(Default)” entry.

  4. The profile form is displayed for you to enter your defaults.

  5. After you have defined the user-specific information to be displayed in profile forms, click the Save button.

    When your Personal Profile defaults have been saved, you are returned to the list of available Profile Forms on the Edit Personal Profile Defaults page.

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