Fields on the New Document Page for Electronic Documents

These fields are on the New Document page for electronic documents that is installed with RM. Your form may differ from this description if the form has been customized.

The subject or title of the document. This name can be up to 240 characters and can include spaces and any characters Windows uses (ANSI by default).
Depending on your system setup, the value of Document Name may or may not need to be unique. If your system requires unique document names, the name you enter in this field must not be the same as any other name in this document library.
The Document Type of this item. Click the table lookup button to see the document types established for your organization.
The User ID for the person who created the item. Enter a name or click the table lookup button to see all valid entries.
For e-mail messages, the name of the person to whom the message was addressed.
For e-mail messages, the name of the person or organization that originated the message.
The name of the originator's organization.
This field appears when profiling an electronic document. The ID of the application used to create the document. Enter a value or click the table lookup button to see all valid entries.
Media Type
This field appears when profiling a paper document. Lists the defined media types. Select Paper or another media type approved by your organization.
Vital Record
Select this field to mark the document as vital to your organization.
Review Date
Displays the date on which the vital status of this document should be reviewed. This date can be set using RM Administration Tool.
Enable Content Searching
Indicates whether the full text of the document will be indexed. Depending on what you enter as a Document Type, this field may already be selected. When a document is indexed, users can search the contents of the document and its profile for words or phrases.
A description of the document.
The number of the File Part where the document will be stored.
Click the table lookup button to choose your search method for finding a File Part:
Recently Used File Parts
File Plan browser
Group Favorites
Group Favorites are maintained with RM Administration Tool. The Category and File fields below the Code field are filled automatically when you select the File Part.
Security Group
These fields allow you to review or change the security for this document. Ensure the <->Restricted</-> check box is selected; then click the <->Access</-> button and review or change the security as required.
History Group
These output-only fields indicate the history of the Document Profile.


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