Log On to DM Classic Webtop

To access libraries via a Web browser, you need a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Your DM administrator should provide you with this URL. For example, http://servername/cyberdocs.

When you enter the URL in your browser's address field, the DM Classic Webtop logon page is displayed.

If this is the first time you have logged on or if there are updates to your optional components, after you log on to DM, a message may be displayed asking you to access the Optional Components page to install or update optional DM components on your machine.

To log on to DM Classic Webtop, specify the following:

User Name

This can be either of the following:

  • Your User ID in the library.

  • A network user name if you have a LAN account that DM can verify (for example: a Windows Domain user name).


  • If you specified your library User ID as your user name, use your mobile password.

  • If you specified a LAN account as your user name, use your LAN account password.

Logon Library

The library that contains the information needed for you to log on.

Time Zone

Click the drop-down menu to select your appropriate time zone. This ensures that edits are not lost due to incorrect time stamps.

Logon Message to Accept

Your administrator may have set up an additional message, or legal agreement text, to be displayed on the logon page. You must read the message and select the check box to accept the agreement before clicking Log On or Guest Log On.

Log On the Default Library Only

When this check box is selected prior to logging on, only the library selected at time of logon will be set for searching. Additional search libraries previously defined in the User Profile will not be remembered by the DM Classic Webtop.

As part of the logon process, the DM Classic Webtop attempts to contact all of the libraries defined in the User Profile in order to validate your credentials and provide faster search capabilities during the logon session. If the DM Classic Webtop fails to find one of these libraries or the computer hosting a library fails to validate your logon credentials, your logon session may time out and fail.

In the event that happens, selecting the Log on to default library only check box may enable the DM Classic Webtop to complete the logon process without timing out. For information on contacting additional libraries after logging on the Default Library only, see the libraries page.

Once you have entered the logon information and submitted the form, the server validates whether you can access the library. If you have access, the DM Classic Webtop logs you on the system, and sets up the browser display. If you do not have access, or enter your User Name or Password incorrectly, an error message appears. Try logging on again or contact the DM administrator to make sure that your account is correctly set up.

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