Add Action Icons to Your Items List

You can set which icons are displayed in the items list for your Quick Searches, Search Results, and Quick Reference pages. The options set here are saved in the DM Library to which you are currently logged on. This makes the options Library-specific. When you log on to a Library, the options set for that Library will be in effect. When you log on to a different Library, the settings you have saved in that particular Library will be in effect.

To add or remove Action icons from your items lists:

  1. Click My Options from the navigation pane.

  2. On the Display Options tab, scroll to the Action Icons section and click the Action Icons link.

  3. In the Action Icon window, click the row that contains the icon you want to add. You can add as many as you want. To select the entire list, click the check box in the header column. To remove an item, click in the row to clear the check box.

  4. Click OK to save your changes. Click Cancel to discard your changes and close the window.

The next time you access a Quick Search, Search Results, and Quick Reference items list, the icons you selected will be displayed in the list.

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