File Plan Formats

If your system administrator allows it, RM allows you to customize the view of the entries in the File Plan. For example, the default view of Files shows the File Number followed by the name of the File. This display can be modified to change exactly what information is displayed for Terms, Files, and File Parts.

To change the File Plan display:

  1. In the DM Classic Webtop, go to the My Options page.

  2. Scroll down to find the File Plan Formats heading.

  3. If it is allowed by the system administrator, you can click Use Custom File Plan Display Settings.

  4. Set up the display settings by typing the variables shown in the table below to specify what information is shown for each item type in the File Plan.

  5. When finished, click Save on the toolbar.

Term Format
Term Name
By default, this is the only item in the Term Format display.
Term Code
File Format
File Name
The default display is %FC-%FN
File Code
Open Code
See the Open Status Indicator entry below, for details.
Part Format
File Part Number, which is the parent File Code plus the Part Number.
Part Number
Part Name
Open Code
See the Open Status Indicator entry below, for details.
Open Status Indicator
Any printable character
This indicator is provided primarily for use when integrating with Microsoft Outlook, because Outlook does not display the standard File and Part icons in the File Plan. This indicator is displayed only with open Files and Parts. It is recommended that you use a single character when possible; for example, an asterisk ( * ) or a caret ( ^ ).

Following are a few examples of using these variables:

Example 5-1: Variables Examples

  • To display the Term Code and Name separated by an asterisk, enter this string in the Term Format field:


  • To switch the order of the File Code and File Name from the default display, enter this string in the File Format field:


  • To display the File Part Name plus the open indicator, enter this string in the Part Format field:


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