Use the Document Details Profile tab

To edit the Document Profile:

  1. Click the Details icon next to the desired document(s) in a document listing.

  2. The Profile tab is displayed by default. Edit the desired fields.

  3. After editing the profile, click the Save button to save your changes.

The following Document Profile information is available:

Current File Size
The current size, in bytes, of the document file.
Document Name
The actual name of the document as it is stored in the library. To view the document, click the document name link to the right of the document icon.
The unique ID number assigned to this document when it was created.
Document Type
The Document Type ID and Name for this item. If you are editing the profile, this field features a table lookup.
The Application ID and Name of the application used to create this item.
The User ID and Name of the document author. If you are editing the profile, this field features a table lookup.
The description of the document. If you perform a query-by-example (QBE) search, you can search for a document using words contained in this field.
Access Control: Secure Document Java Forms only
The Secure Document check box must be selected before the Edit button will be enabled. The Edit button displays the Security window and allows you to edit the access control settings for the document
Secure Document HTML Forms only
The Secure Document check box must be selected before the Edit security button will be enabled. The Edit security button displays the Security window and allows you to edit the access control settings for the document.
Document Status
The current status of the document.
Enable Content Searching
Indicates whether the full text of the document will be indexed. Depending on what you enter as the document type, this field may be selected for you. When selected, users can search the content of this document and its profile for words or phrases.
Expected Return Date
If the document is currently Checked Out by a user, the date on which he or she expects to return the document to the library will be displayed here.
History: Created
The date the item was first created and the name of the user who created it.
History: Edited
The date the item was last edited and the name of the user who edited it.
Retention: Days
The number of days that this document will remain on the system past the last edit date for documents with certain retention types.
Retention: Type
The ID for the document retention type. This field features a drop-down options menu.
Add to Folder
This field appears when you use the Add to Folder icon to search for and select a folder to which to add the document. After you select a folder, this field appears at the bottom of the Profile tab to indicate the folder to which the document will be added.
When you click Save to save your profile changes, the document is added to the selected folder and this field is removed from the Profile tab.


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