Session Searches

A Session Search is a search that you previously executed during your DM Classic Webtop session. These searches are saved on the Quick Search page and the Quick Searches tab on the Quick Reference page until you log out of or close the DM Classic Webtop.

Up to five session searches will be saved. The sixth session search will be added to the end of the list, and the first session search will be removed, and so on.

If you choose to save your session search as a Quick Search, it no longer be listed as a session search under the Quick Searches list.

To execute a session search:

  1. Access the Quick Search page, or the Quick Searches tab on the Quick Reference page.

  2. Click the Execute Session Search icon next to the search you want to run.

  3. The results of the saved session search are displayed.

To modify a session search:

  1. Access the Quick Search page, or the Quick Searches tab on the Quick Reference page.

  2. Click the Edit Session Search icon next to the session search whose criteria you want to modify.

  3. The Advanced Search page is displayed with your criteria displayed on the Profile Search, Content Search, or Custom Search tabs.

  4. After you have modified your search criteria, click the Perform the Search button.

  5. The results are displayed in the Search Results tab.

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