Change Multiple Profiles

If you want to update the Document Profile for more than one document, you can do so using the Change Profiles option.

To change the Document Profile for multiple documents:

  1. From a document list, select the documents whose profiles you want to update.

  2. Click the Change Profiles button. The Select Profile Form window is displayed.

  3. Select the profile form you want to use to make changes. If you have more than one profile to choose from, select Set profiles to selected profile form if you want to change the form each document uses. Click OK.

    The Change Profiles page is displayed with an empty Profile entry form.

  4. Enter the changes you want made to each selected document. If you modify the security, existing security settings for each document will be replaced by what you enter on the Security window.

  5. Click Update to apply your changes to each document selected.

  6. When the update is complete, the Update Document Profiles page is displayed with the following information listed:

    Update Information: Lists the form you used to modify the profiles, whether you selected to change the profile form the documents used, and the fields you modified.

    Successfully updated documents: Lists the documents you modified and the library in which they are stored.

    Update failed documents: Lists any errors that may have been encountered when processing the Document Profile update.

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