Select Search and Default Libraries

The Libraries pop-up window allows you to select the libraries in which the DM Classic Webtop operates. The Libraries pop-up is available only if you have access to additional libraries, and it will only show those libraries to which you have access.

Access to an additional Library requires three criteria to be met:

  1. You can see the library.

  2. You have an account on the remote library.

  3. Your account on the remote library has not been disabled.

Click Libraries to display the Libraries List window.

Use the Current Library drop-down menu to specify the library where new documents are created. If you are creating documents in a library other than the one you selected in the log on page, you must select it in this list before creating or importing new documents.

Use the Search Libraries check boxes to specify the libraries or library groups the DM Classic Webtop is to search. The libraries and library groups listed here are the remote libraries attached to your log on library. All of the libraries/library groups that are selected are accessed when you view the Quick Reference page or use the Search, Quick Search, or Folder functions. Libraries/Library Groups that are not highlighted were not polled as part of your current log on session.

Select one or more Libraries/Library Groups and click OK. The Libraries List window closes. Click Libraries to display the Libraries List window again. The Libraries List window lists the following:

  • Search Libraries: Selected libraries are highlighted and marked with a checkmark, indicating that your credentials have been verified on each library and the libraries are available for search.

  • Invalid Libraries: If the DM Classic Webtop fails to find a library/library group or the computer hosting the library fails to validate your log on credentials, the library/library group appears in an Invalid Libraries list. This indicates that log on to the library has failed.

On the Libraries List window, click OK to save your changes. Click Cancel to close the window without applying your changes.

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