Precedence Expressions in Content Searching

The language used for composing search statements has a set of rules that determine the precedence for evaluation. An Indexer query expression is processed using explicit precedence rules applying to the operators used. While a query expression is read from left to right, some operators carry more weight than others and this will affect the interpretation of the expression. For example, an AND operator takes precedence over an OR operator.

Precedence Expression
Parentheses ( )
Parentheses indicate the order the directions are to be carried out; information within parentheses is read first, then information outside parentheses is read next.
Prefix and Infix Notation
Words which use any operator, except the WORD operator, can be defined in prefix notation or in infix notation.
Prefix notation has the operator come before the words to be used with that operator. For example:
<OR> (computer, security)
When prefix notation is used, precedence is explicit within the expression.
Infix notation has the operator between each element within the expression. For example:
computer <OR> security
When infix notation is used, precedence is implicit within the expression; for example, the AND operator takes precedence over the OR operator.
If you are using the DM Server Indexer, infix notation should not be combined with prefix notation in the same query.
Commas ,
If an expression includes two or more words within parentheses, as is used in prefix notation, a comma is required as a separator between each element enclosed within the parentheses.
Angle Brackets < >
Left and right angle brackets (< >) are reserved for designating operators and modifiers. They are required for all operators except AND, OR, and NOT.
Double Quotation Marks " "
To search for a word that is reserved as an operator (“and,” “or,” and “not”), enclose the word in double quotation marks.

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