Use the Folder Details Profile Tab

The Profile tab on the Folder Details page displays the selected folder's profile. You can edit the profile, add the folder to another folder, delete the folder, queue the folder for deleting, or modify the folder's read-only status from this page.

To edit a folder's profile:

  1. Click the Details icon next to the desired folder on an items list. The Folder Details page is displayed with the Profile tab selected.

  2. Modify the fields you want to change and click Save.

To add the folder to another folder:

  1. Click the Details icon next to the desired folder on an items list. The Folder Details page is displayed with the Profile tab selected.

  2. Click the Add to Folder icon. The Search page is displayed.

  3. Use the Quick Search or Profile Search tab to search for one or more folders to which you want to add the current folder.

  4. On the Search Results tab, select one or more folders. Click Select, then click Save.

  5. The current folder is added to the selected folders. Click the Where Used tab to view the folders where the current folder is used.

To delete a folder:

  1. Click the Details icon next to the desired folder on an items list. The Folder Details page is displayed with the Profile tab selected.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. A message is displayed asking if you are sure you want to delete the selected folder.

  4. Click OK to delete the folder. Click Cancel to return to the Profile tab without deleting the folder.

To queue the folder for Deletion:

  • Click Queue for Deletion. If you do not have deletion rights for the currently selected folder, this button allows you to mark the folder for deletion by a supervisor. This function changes the Document Retention Type to Delete and the number of Retention Days to 0.

To change the read-only status:

  1. Click Make Read-Only to set the folder as read-only. This sets the selected version of any documents or sub-folders in the folder as read-only. If you try to make sub-folders writable, you will receive a message stating, “This folder or document was made read-only by a parent. Please reset the read-only status from the parent.” You cannot select the Make Version writable option from the Versions tab for the selected read-only document version.

  2. Click Remove Read-Only. This removes the read-only designation, allowing the folder to be edited.

To copy a folder:

  1. Click the Details icon next to the desired folder on an items list. The Folder Details page is displayed with the Profile tab selected.

  2. Click Copy. The Copy Folder page is displayed.

  3. Modify the folder profile fields for your new folder and click Save.

  4. The new folder's information is displayed on the Folder Details page.

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