Retention Types

The document is archived and removed from the system, but the Document Profile remains. Archived files can be recovered whenever needed.
Documents with this storage type are physically archived when the DM administrator runs the Archive utility. If you select this value, the Retention Days field is activated.
The document is eventually deleted from the system. Documents given this storage type are automatically deleted after the expiration of their retention days, when the DM administrator runs the Delete utility.
Depending on the method of deletion your DM administrator uses, the Document Profile may remain or may be deleted. If you select Delete, the Retention Days field is activated.
Select this option to indicate that you want the document to be retained on the network for active use indefinitely. The document is not selected for deletion or archiving.
Templates are used for documents such as standard forms and form letters for the organization. Only members of a DM administrator-determined group can mark a document as a template or edit a template document.
Copies of templates can be retrieved by any user. When the copy is saved, a new Document Profile must be completed. A common use of the Templates feature is for form documents, such as those used in the real estate, insurance, and legal industries.
The Quick Searches feature, which allows you to save search criteria, allows easy access to templates at any time.
Documents designated as Optical are archived similarly to documents designated as Archive, except instead of being archived to tape, they are stored on optical disk. If Optical is selected, the Retention Days field is activated.
DM can track paper documents as well as electronic files. For paper charts, maps, or reference material that cannot be stored on a computer, users can complete a Document Profile which includes the physical location of the item.

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