Activity Types in Document or Folder History

The following lists the activities that can appear when you review a document's or folder's history. Each activity includes a description of when the activity is recorded for an item.

Text in [square brackets] indicates that the administrator can change the terminology by using the Terminology Maintenance function in Library Maintenance or DM Classic Webtop's DM Admin to use terms consistent with business processes.

A number sign (#) indicates that a reference to an item will appear with the activity. For example, a folder or document number may appear to indicate which item was affected by the recorded activity.

Activity Type
The document was displayed or viewed in either DM Classic Webtop or DM Extensions.
Access Denied
The system could not display the document in DM Classic Webtop or DM Extensions.
The document is annotated by a Compatible Application in DM Extensions.
The document or folder is archived into storage.
Edit Security
The security profile for a document or folder was modified.
The document or folder was checked in.
Check-out Cancelled
A check-out request for a document or folder was cancelled.
Check-out Copy
A copy of the document was checked out.
The document or folder was checked out.
Copied From
The document or folder was copied from an existing DM document or folder. This action is displayed for the new copy of the document or folder.
Copied To
The document or folder was copied to a new DM document or folder. This action is displayed for the original document or folder that was copied.
The document or folder was created.
New Version
A new version of a document was created.
The content of the document was deleted.
Delete Version
A version of the document was deleted.
The document was edited.
Edit Profile
The document or folder profile was edited.
Full Text Index
Full-text indexing was performed on a document.
The documented was imported into DM.
The document was displayed using the DM Extensions View command.
Mail Copy
A copy of the document was e-mailed to a user.
Mail Copy and Check-out
A copy of the document was checked out and e-mailed to a user.
Mail Reference
A reference to the document or folder was e-mailed.
Move To
The document was moved from one container to another.
The document was printed from DM Classic Webtop Application Integration or DM Extensions.
The document was proofread by a Compatible Application in DM Extensions.
Transfer From
The document was received from a location in RM.
A deleted document was restored.
Transfer To
The document was transferred to a new location in RM.
Transfer From
The document was transferred from RM. This action displays where the document came from.
Transfer To
The document was transferred to RM. This action displays to where the document has been transferred.
Delete Content
The Delete Content function was used to delete the content of a document.
Queue for Deletion
The document or folder has been queued for deletion.
Create Relationship
The document or folder was added to the Related Items list.
Broken Relationship
The document or folder was removed from the Related Items list.
[Make Read-Only]
The document or folder has been set to Read Only.
[Remove Read-Only]
The Read-Only setting for a document or folder has been removed.
[Make Version Read-Only]
The document version was set to Read-Only.
[Make Version writable]
The Read-Only setting for a version was removed.
[Publish] Version
A version was made permanent or “published”.
[Reset Publish]
A version was made writeable and editable, or “unpublished”.
Add Link
A link was added to a folder or document. The link can be a “related item” link in DM, a DM Hyperlink or OLE link.
Remove Link
A link was removed from a folder. The link can be a “related item” link in DM, a DM Hyperlink or OLE link.
Update Link
A “related item” link was updated in a folder.
Queued for Deletion
A document or folder was queued for deletion.
Access Doc Profile
A document profile was accessed.
Add Doc: #
A document was added to a File Part. This action is displayed for the File Part to which the document was added, and the document number is specified.
In #
A document was added to a File Part. This action is displayed for the document that was added to the File Part, and the document number is specified.
A document was borrowed through RM.
A document was returned through RM.
Cancel [Request]
The RM request for a document was cancelled.
The RM request was made for a document.
Assigned [Disposal] Instructions
The RM disposal action was assigned to the document.
Removed [Disposal] Instructions
The RM disposal action was removed from the document.
Vital Status ON
The RM Vital Document setting was selected for a document.
Vital Status OFF
The RM Vital Document setting was cleared for a document.
[Supersedes] #
The document supersedes another document in RM. This action is displayed for the document superseding the original document, and the original document number is displayed.
[Superseded] by #
A document was superseded by another document in RM. This action is displayed for the document that is superseded, and the superseding document number is displayed.
The document was suspended in RM.
The suspended document was released in RM.
The File Part was closed in RM.
The File Part was re-opened in RM.
In [Box]: #
The File Part was moved to a box in RM. This action is displayed for the File Part that was put into the box, and the box number is indicated.
# Placed in [Box]
The File Part was moved to a box in RM. This action is displayed for the box into which the File Part was placed, and the File Part number is indicated.
Removed from [Box]:
The File Part was removed from a box in RM. This action is displayed for the File Part that was removed from the box, and the box number is indicated.
X Pulled out of [Box]
The File Part was removed from a box in RM. This action is displayed for the box from which the File Part was removed, and the File Part number is indicated.
Exported with Metadata
An item was exported with metadata from RM.
Printed Label
A barcode label was printed for an item in RM.
Recategorized. Old Category: #
The document was recategorized in RM. The old category is indicated.
To Location: #
The document was moved to a new location in RM. The new location is indicated.
Remove Doc: #
The document was removed from a File Part in RM. This action is displayed for the File Part from which the document was removed, and the document number is indicated.
No change in [Census]
The RM Census shows there was no change in the status of a document.
Wrong [Location]
The RM Census shows that a document is in the wrong location.
Illegal Possession
The RM Census shows that a document has not been moved but it is in the possession of someone who has insufficient security to possess the item.
Illegal [Borrow]
The RM Census shows that the item is held by a different person than that recorded in RM. RM has updated the record to indicate that the current holder of the document has borrowed it. However, that person has insufficient security to borrow the item.
[Census] [Borrow]
The RM Census shows that the item is held by a different person than that recorded in RM. RM has updated the record to indicate that the current holder of the document has borrowed it.
[Census] [Return]
The RM Census finds the document in its proper permanent location, but it is recorded in RM as being borrowed. RM has updated the record to indicate that the item has been returned.
The document was transferred offsite in RM.
[Transfer] Pending
The transfer offsite of an item was requested and is pending in RM.
The document was destroyed in RM.
[Destroy] Pending
The destruction of a document was requested and is pending in RM.

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