Import a New Document

To import a document using Java forms

  1. Click the Import Document link on the toolbar to access the Import Document page.

  2. Depending on your system setup, you may be given the opportunity to choose a Document Profile form that is specific to an application (such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat) by clicking a link under the Form Description heading.

  3. Complete all required fields. It is suggested that all optional fields be completed as well because the more detailed and accurate the profile, the easier it is to later find the document.

  4. Click the Save button to access the Document Upload page and select the document to be uploaded to the library.

    Click the Clear All button to clear all entries currently in the fields of the New Document page.

To import a document using HTML forms:

  1. Click the Import Document link on the toolbar to access the Import Document page.

  2. Complete all required fields (it is suggested that all optional fields be completed as well because the more detailed and accurate the profile, the easier it is to later find the document).

  3. Click the Save button to access the Document Upload page and select the document to be uploaded to the library.

    Click the Clear All button to clear all entries currently in the fields of the New Document page.


  • For a description of all the fields on the Profile entry form, see Fill Out the Document Profile.

  • If an error occurs when uploading the document, Java and HTML DM Classic Webtop accounts both retain the information entered on the New Document page so users can repeat the upload without completing the entire form again.

  • Before you upload a PDF file to DM, be sure the file has been optimized for viewing over the Web by saving your PDF file as a Fast Web View PDF file. This will compresses text and line art enabling faster access and viewing when downloading the file from the Web or a network. For more information on this option, see the Adobe Acrobat Help.

  • This section describes the DM Classic Webtop New Document page as it is shipped. Users of RM should refer to New Document Page for Electronic Documents in RM for information regarding the functionality provided by this separately purchased product.

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