Fill Out the Document Profile

You must complete a Document Profile form for each document or folder that you want to add to a library. Profiles provide the information necessary to search documents or folders - the more detailed and accurate the profile, the easier it is to find the document.

If your administrator assigned access rights, those rights are combined with the rights you assign. Your administrator can lock fields, such as those fields in the Retention Type box. In this case, the fields are read-only; you cannot edit them.

Your administrator may also have renamed or added fields. In this case, you will need to find which field names at your site correspond to the default names.

The following table lists the fields on the default New Document page shipped with DM. Each field is designated in one of the following ways:

  • Required: Libraries require these fields; you cannot submit a Document Profile without filling them in.

  • May Be Required: Depending on how your DM administrator has set up your library systems, you may be required to fill in these fields.

  • Optional: Libraries do not require information in these fields.

Document Name
The descriptive name for the document. This name can be up to 240 characters and can include spaces and any characters Windows uses (ANSI by default).
Depending on your system setup, the value of Document Name may or may not need to be unique. If your system requires unique document names, the name you enter in this field must not be the same as any other name in this document library.
Author of the document. Selecting the table lookup button launches a Table Lookup that contains a searchable list (defined by your system administrator) of Authors.
Document Type
Type of document. Selecting the table lookup button accesses a Lookup dialog box that contains a searchable list (defined by your system administrator) of Document Types.
Your description of the document. If you perform a query-by-example (QBE) search, you can search for a document using words contained in this field.
Application used to create a document. Selecting the table lookup button launches a Lookup applet that contains a searchable list (defined by your system administrator) of applications.
This field will not be required when the value for the Document Type field is Paper.
Secure Document
May Be Required
To limit access to the document, select the Secure Document box. Click the Edit button to view the Security dialog box and edit who has access to the document and what type of access they have.
For instructions on setting document security, see Assign Rights to a Document.
For notes on how security settings are inherited when you create and move documents and folders, see Notes on Security Inheritance
May Be Required
The destination of this document after Retention Days expire. Depending on what you enter as a Document Type, this field may be filled in for you. However, your DM administrator may have set up the system so that you can change it. Default values are Archive, Delete, Keep, Optical, Template, and Paper. See Document Retention.
Retention Days
May Be Required
The number of days the document remains on the system past Last Edit Date. This field is valid when the Type is Archive, Delete, or Optical. Depending on how your DM administrator has set up your system, you may be able to change this value. See Document Retention.
Full Text Indexing
May Be Required
Indicates whether the full text of the document will be indexed. Depending on what you enter as the document Type, this field may be selected for you. When selected, users can search the content of this document and its profile for words or phrases.
Add to folder:
Adds the current document to an existing folder.
Click Select folders. The Search window is displayed.
Select the search you want to perform and click Search.
Select the desired folder from the Search Results tab and click Select.
Profile Defaults
This feature provides you with a set of custom defaults, set up by the administrator. You can access the defaults through a table lookup on a blank Document Profile. Custom profile defaults override any personal or group defaults, but can be manually edited as you complete the profile fields.
Click the Profile Defaults lookup button.
Custom profile defaults will override any manually entered criteria on an edited Document Profile. If you select a profile default scheme on an edited profile, the DM Classic Webtop will warn you that all previously entered information may be changed or deleted by the default scheme. From this warning, you can decide to continue or cancel the profile defaults.
If you have personal or group profile defaults, using the Profile Defaults button will override them.
When the Profile Defaults window appears, select the desired entry and click OK. The defaults for that entry will populate the appropriate fields on your blank profile. Populate the remaining required fields of the Document Profile and click OK to save it.

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