Fields on the Edit Quick Search Page

You can modify the following properties of your Quick Search.

Quick Search Name
Enter the name to be assigned to the new Quick Search.
Show on Quick Reference page
Select this check box to make the new Quick Search available on the Quick Reference page.
Quick Search Security
Click this button to edit the security for the Quick Search being created. For more information, see Access Rights for Quick Searches.
Quick Search Form
If there are multiple search forms available to you, you can select one from the drop-down menu. Then, when you click the Switch Forms button, the DM Classic Webtop displays the Edit Quick Searches page with the new search form.

You can modify the following search criteria for your Quick Search.

Document Name
The actual name of the document. You can enter the full document name (up to 240 characters) or enter a partial name and a wildcard character.
Doc. #
The unique library document number assigned to a document when it is created in DM. You cannot use wildcard characters in this field.
The User ID for document author. Use this field to have DM find documents created by a particular author. You can also use the Author table lookup button to find a particular value.
Document Type
Categorization of a document according to information it contains (for example: Template, Training Document, or Legal Brief). Enter a value in this field to have DM find documents of this type. You can also use the Document Type table lookup button to find a particular value.
The ID of the application used to create this document. Enter a value in this field to have DM find documents created with this application. You can also use the Application table lookup button to find a particular value.
Retention Type
The type of storage assigned to this document (for example: Archive, Delete, Keep, Optical, Template, or Paper). When you search by storage type, a document's status is irrelevant. For example, if you were searching for a document whose Type is Archive, DM would retrieve the document name even if it had already been archived. See also: Document Retention.
Date Range
Range of dates within which DM processed the document's storage type. See Date Searching Syntax for information about date syntax; see Date Range for a date range search example.
Created by
The User ID of the person who created this document. You can also use the Created by table lookup button to find a particular value.
Date Created
The date on which the document was created.
Last Edited by
The User ID of the last person who modified this document and the date they modified it. You can also use the Last Edited by table lookup button to find a particular value.
Edit Date
The date on which the document was last edited.
Search for
The text string for full-text searching. This string can contain wildcard characters. See Search Operators for a description of how to perform a contents search.
Search in
The location where DM should look for search parameters. Possible values are Document contents, Profile fields, or Document contents and Profile fields.
The status of the document. Use this field to have DM retrieve all documents with this status. Possible values are Available, Document Being Edited, Profile Being Edited, Checked out, Not Available, Being Indexed, Archived, Being Archived, or Deleted.
See Document Status Descriptions for more information.
Secured Documents
If a document is secured, only those users who have been granted access to the document can work with it. This option allows the user three search modes:
Box Grey & Unchecked (starting state) - all documents that meet the search criteria, both secured and not secured, will be returned on a Search Results page list.
Box White & Unchecked - only documents that meet the search criteria and are not secured will be returned.
Box White & Checked - only documents that meet the search criteria and are secured documents will be returned.
Clear All
This button will clear all entries currently in the fields of the Search page.

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