Use the Public Folders Tab

The Public Folders tab on the Quick Reference page lists, in alphabetical order, the Public Folders available in your selected search libraries. A public folder is simply a folder that is visible to each user accessing the library.

To display the Folder Details for a selected folder:

  • Click the Details icon next to the desired folder.

To add a folder to an existing workspace:

  • Select the check box next to the folder you want to add to a workspace and click the Add to Workspace button.

To remove your folder as a Public Folder:

  • Select the check box next to the folder you want to remove as a Public Folder and click the Remove from Public button. The folder is removed from the list of Public Folders. You can still access this folder through the All Folders Quick Search.

Depending on your site's setup, you may be able to update a folder's properties.

To update a folder's properties:

  • Click the Update Property icon in the row for the folder whose properties you want to edit. The Folder Item Property Update page is displayed.

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