Use the Checked Out Tab

To view a list of your recently checked out and locked documents from the Quick Reference page, click the Checked Out tab. If you have any documents checked out in the library, a list of documents most recently checked out is displayed. Checked out documents are displayed with a red check mark over the application icon: . If your document is locked, but not checked out, a blue lock is displayed over the application icon: .

Any checked-out/locked document not returned/unlocked by its due date (assigned when the document was first checked out) is indicated by the word “(Overdue)” after the document title.

  • To preview the document in the Preview pane, click the document type icon or the document name link.

  • To view a complete list of Checked-Out documents that you have access to in the library, click the All Checked Out link at the bottom of the list.

The following single-document actions are available by default.

To view the Document Details page:

  • Click the Details icon in the row for the desired document.

To check in a checked-out document,

  • Click the Check In icon in the row for the desired document.

To view the document in the viewer:

  • Click the View icon in the row for the desired document. For paper documents, the item title will appear as plain text and is not a link.

Additional actions that you can only perform on a single selected item are accessed through the drop-down More actions menu, or the icons in the rows of each items list. You can set which single-document action icons are displayed in items lists in the My Options>Display Options tab under Action Icons.

For instructions on working with multiple items in an items list, see Work with Multiple Items.

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