Full-Text Search Hits

A document viewed as the result of a full-text or content search for the word lawyer will have the word lawyer highlighted anywhere that it appears in the document. Depending on your rights to a document:

  • If you view a document that has a published version, the published version is displayed with your search term(s) highlighted.

  • If the document you selected does not have a published version, the last edited version is displayed with your search term(s) highlighted.

Selecting the Next Hit button will cause the document display to scroll down so that the next occurrence of the word lawyer is displayed on the top line of the viewer screen.

Each word used as a search term is regarded as a separate hit. In a document found using a full-text search for the phrase executive summary, selecting the Next Hit button will cause the document display to scroll down so that the next occurrence of the word executive is displayed on the top line of the viewer screen. Clicking the Next Hit button a second time may appear to have no effect if the word summary is on the same line.


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