Creating and Modifying Templates

If your administrator has given you “create template” rights, follow the instructions below to create a template. If you are not sure that you can create template documents, ask your administrator.

To create a template document:

  1. Create a new document using one of the methods listed in Create New Documents.

  2. When you fill out your Document Profile, specify Template from the Retention Schedule Type drop-down field. If this option is unavailable to you, ask your administrator to set up templates for you. The Document Name you entered on the profile will be listed on the Templates tab as the template name.

    Tip: You may want to create several templates in each application, leaving one blank for general use and create others that include standard text, such as a memo heading, that you want to appear each time you load the template.

To modify an existing template:

  1. Check out the document template.

  2. Make any desired changes to the document template.

  3. Check in the document template. You can replace the current version or create a new version. The last version of the document template is the version that is used to create the content of a new document.

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