View Document Contents

When viewing documents in the DM Classic Webtop, you can:

  • View documents in HTML. The HTML viewer converts the document to HTML code and returns the end result to the DM Classic Webtop for display in the browser.

  • View documents using the DM Viewer. DM Viewer is a browser-specific Windows feature that must be installed prior to use.

  • View documents in their native application. The DM Classic Webtop automatically determines which application is required and then launches it to display the document.

  • Choose to view the Document Details page by selecting the Details icon.

  • Scroll through full-text search hits if you performed a content search.

To access the document viewer:

  1. Find the desired document using the Advanced Search, Quick Reference, Quick Searches, or folders pages.

  2. Click the View icon in the row for the document you want to open.

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