The Advanced Search Page

Click the Advanced link below the Search field to display the Advanced Search page.

The Profile Search tab allows you to search for documents using information found in the Document Profile and in the document's content. The Content Search tab and the Custom Search tab enable you to search for specific phrases or words in a document's content.

When you enter search criteria in the Profile, Content or Custom Search tabs, the criteria is maintained in the fields until you clear it or perform a search with the Search field. For instance, you can return to the Profile Search tab to run the search you just performed without having to fill in the criteria again. You can click the Clear All button to clear the saved search criteria. When prompted to confirm that you want to delete the search criteria, click OK.

If there are multiple search forms available to you, you can select one from the drop-down menu list displayed at the bottom of the Profile Search tab. When you click Switch Forms, the page is updated with the new search form.

When the DM Classic Webtop has been configured to use the Common Search form, you will see the default fields on the Profile Search tab no matter what library is your current library.

When the DM Classic Webtop has been configured to use industry-specific search forms, you may also see industry-specific fields on the Search page if your current library is industry-specific.

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