Use the Templates Tab

From the Templates tab you can create a new document from a list of templates specific to applications. The last version of the document template is the version that is used to create the content for the new document.

To create a new document from an existing template:

  1. Click the New Document link or icon below the library listing. The New Document page is displayed.

  2. If you have application integration installed, both the Templates and Applications tabs are displayed. If it isn't already selected, click the Templates tab.

  3. A list of available templates is listed below the application used to create the template. Click the template you want to use.

    If you have rights to edit the template, the Template Options window is displayed. Select Use Template to create a new document with the template content as the boiler plate content. Select Edit Template to modify the template content. Click OK.

  4. If you do not have application integration installed, the New Document page is displayed. Fill out the Document Profile form for your new document.

  5. Click Clear All to clear all the fields on the Document Profile.

  6. Click the Create Document button to save the new document. The content from the template is used to create your new document and your document is then saved to DM.

  7. The Document Details page is then displayed with your new document's information listed.

  8. To edit the new document, click the Check Out button to check the file out and download it to your hard drive.

  9. If you have application integration installed, the Document Profile is displayed for you to fill out.

  10. Click OK to save the document to DM.

  11. The document is opened in the associated application for you to edit.

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