Notes on Security Inheritance

When you create folders or documents, the new items may inherit the security settings of the folder in which they are created. Also, when you move or copy documents or folders from one folder to another, the moved or copied items may inherit the security settings of the folder in which they are placed.

How security settings are inherited varies depending on which DM page and function is used to create or move the item:

  • When an existing document or folder is added to a secure folder or folders, the document or folder will not inherit security settings from the secure folder.

  • When a new document or folder is created within an existing folder (using the Folder Contents page or the Edit Contents tab on the Folder Details page), the new items inherit the security of the existing folder in which they are created.

  • When a new document or folder is created using an action icon from anywhere in DM other than the Folder Contents page or the Edit Contents tab on the Folder Details page, and the new item is immediately added to several folders, security is not inherited from any of the folders to which the item is added.

  • When a new document or folder is created using an action icon from anywhere in DM other than the Folder Contents page or the Edit Contents tab on the Folder Details page, and the new item is immediately added to a single folder, security may or may not be inherited:

    • if you manually specify security for the new item, security is not inherited from the folder.

    • if you do not manually specify security for the new item, security is inherited from the folder.

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