Check In Documents Using Smart Check In

The Check In Documents page allows users to check in multiple documents using the Check In and Unlock button. The documents are copied to the DM Library from your Smart CheckIn/CheckOut default directory and are unlocked so other users can edit them.

You can also unlock documents using the Unlock Only button. The documents are unlocked so other users can edit them, but you are not prompted to upload the documents to the library.

To check in documents using Smart Check In:

  1. Select the checked out documents you want to check in.

  2. Select In/Out. The Check In Documents page is displayed.

  3. Fill out the fields as described below. Use the table lookup button to retrieve a list of valid IDs:

    • Author: Allows the user to change the ID for the author of the new version or sub-version.

    • Entered by: Allows the user to change the ID for the person who entered the new version or sub-version.

    • Comment: Users can enter a comment of up to 200 characters that describes the changes made to the document or reason for the creation of a new version or sub-version.

  4. Select one of the following options:

    Replace checked out version
    Selecting this option will replace the version of the document that is in the library with the version that is on the user's local hard drive.
    Create new version
    Selecting this option will create a new version of the document in the library using the version that is on the user's local hard drive.
    Before creating a new version, fill out the Author, Entered by, and Comments field described above.
    Create sub-version
    Selecting this option will create a new sub-version of the document in the library using the version that is on the user's local hard drive.
    Before creating a new version, fill out the Author, Entered by, and Comments field described above.

  5. Select Remove Local Document to delete the copy of the files currently on your local hard drive after the file has successfully been copied to the library. This option is a function of the Smart Check In/Check Out feature and will only be available if Smart Check In/Check Out has been installed.

  6. The List of Documents to Check In is displayed. If you selected a document you do not want to check in, you can clear the checkbox next to the document.

  7. Select either Check In and Unlock or Unlock.

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