Check Out Documents Using Smart Check Out

The Check Out Documents page allows you to check out and lock multiple documents using the Check Out and Lock button. The documents are copied to your local hard drive, in the default directory, and locked in the library so other users cannot edit it.

You can also lock the selected documents using the Lock Only button. This locks the documents in the library so other users cannot edit it, but it does not copy the document to your local hard drive.

To check out multiple documents using Smart Check Out:

  1. Select a document or more than one document to check out.

  2. Select In/Out. The Check Out Documents page is displayed.

  3. Fill out the fields as described below:

    Expected return date
    The expected return date indicates when you expect to make the document available to other users by checking it in or unlocking it.
    The default value for this field is the next day (for example, if you check out a document on 6/13/02, the expected check-in date will automatically be set for 6/14/02) but users can enter any future date they choose.
    You can use the table lookup button to access a calendar to select the day you expect to check in or unlock the document. Click the table lookup button, and click the day you expect to return the document.
    You can note the reason(s) why the document is being checked out or locked in this field. It is not required, but this information may assist another user who intends to work with the same document in the future.

    The List of Documents to Check Out is displayed. If you selected a document you do not want to check out, you can clear the checkbox next to the document.

  4. Click Check Out and Lock or Lock Only.

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