About Content Searches

A Content Search lets you search the text of your documents or profiles for specific words, phrases, or words within proximity of each other. For example, to search for all documents in your organization containing the name “Jane Doe,” enter Jane Doe in the Search For field.

The DM Classic Webtop provides Content Searching as an option on the Profile Search tab and the Content Search tab. You can use this feature by itself or in addition to entries made in the Profile Search fields.

When you perform a search that combines both Profile Search and Content Search parameters, the search engine will first find documents that meet your Content Search criteria and then narrow the search using the Profile Search criteria that you entered.

This type of search will take longer than a Profile Search performed with no entry in the Content Search fields, but when used correctly, it will yield very specific results.

The Content Search will find variations of words in your search criteria. For example, searching for the word “test” will return documents with the word “test”, “tested” and “testing”.

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