Perform a Content Search

The Content Search tab enables you to create a complex full-text search without knowing specific search operators and syntax.

To perform a full-text search:

  1. Click the Advanced link at the top of the page.

  2. If it is not already displayed, click the Content Search tab.

  3. Enter your full-text search criteria in the fields below, using semicolons to separate words:

    • The Exact Phrase: Enter two or more words. The results returned will contain the text exactly as it is entered. For example, searching for “Fourth Quarter Financial Report” will only return documents containing the exact phrase “Fourth Quarter Financial Report.”

      If you want to search for commas ( , ) in the exact phrase, the commas must be preceded with a backslash character ( \ ). For example: First\, Second\, and Third.

      Do not use apostrophes ( ' ), brackets ( ), or the less than and greater than ( < > ) characters in the Exact Phrase field.

    • All of These Words: Documents with every word entered will be found.

    • Any of These Words: Documents with any of the words entered will be found. For example, if you enter “fourth; quarter; financial” the search will return documents that contain “fourth,” “quarter,” or “financial.”

    • Nearby Words: Documents with all these words specified but separated from each other will be found. For example, entering “sequoia; park; acres” would find a document with the following sentence, “Sequoia National Park consists of more than 400,000 acres.”Using the Specify Range field, you can set how many words apart the search words should be located.

    • Not These Words: Enter words you do not want the returned documents to contain. This option works in conjunction with the search fields above. For example, if you want to find a document that contains the phrase tax “cut,” but does not contain the word “welfare,” enter the phrase “tax cut” in The exact phrase field, enter the word “welfare” in the Not these words field.

    • Boolean Search: If you are familiar with Boolean search operators, you can enter your own full-text search. See Perform a Boolean Search for a list of Boolean operators.

    • Search In: Select Search Profile to search fields on the Document Profile. Select Search in Content to perform the full-text search against a document's contents.

  4. Click Search to run the content search. Click Clear All to clear each field on the Content Search tab.

    The documents that match your search are displayed in the Search Results tab.

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