Use the Recently Edited Tab

To view a list of your recently edited documents:

  1. Click the Recently Edited tab on the Quick Reference page.

    If you have created or edited documents in the library, a list of documents is displayed. This list includes only the documents recently edited by the user who is currently logged in.

  2. To preview the document in the Preview pane, click the document type icon or the document name link. The Content View page opens.

  3. To view a complete list of your Recently Edited documents, click the All Recently Edited link at the bottom of the page.

The following single-document actions are available by default.

To view the Document Details page:

  • Click the Details icon in the row for the desired document.

To check in a checked-out document:

  • Click the Check In icon in the row for the desired document.

To check out a document:

  • Click the Check Out icon in the row for the desired document.

To view the document in the viewer:

  • Click the View icon in the row for the desired document. For paper documents, the item title will appear as plain text and is not a link.

Additional actions that you can only perform on a single selected item are accessed through the drop-down More actions menu, or the icons in the rows of each items list. You can set which single-document action icons are displayed in items lists in My Options>Display Options>Action Icons. See Set Display Options for instructions on setting options.

See Work with Multiple Items for instructions on working with multiple items in an items list.

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