The New Request Page

The New Request page lets users request that a Document, File Part, or Box be taken from its permanent physical location and given to them. Once the item has been removed from its storage location, the administrator performs a Loan function to record that the item has been given to the user.

Only physical items can be requested using this function. However, Files and Parts that contain both paper and electronic documents can be requested and loaned. To get a copy of an electronic document, use the Check Out feature.

If your organizational rules permit, individual paper Documents can be requested and borrowed like Files, Parts, and Boxes. This is usually done to resolve a conflict in requests. For example, if one user needs the File Part and another user needs a single Document from that File Part, the Document can be separated from the File Part and loaned to the user as one item.

To request an item:

  1. Select the item to request on the Search Results page, or open the Document Details page for the item to request.

  2. Click Request to access the New Request page.

  3. In the Requested By field, enter a user name or click the table lookup button to see all valid user names.

  4. In the Date Required field, enter the date by which the item is to be received.

  5. In the Not Required After field, enter the date by which the item will be returned.

  6. Click Submit to log the request in the database.

If there are outstanding requests for this item, or it is currently borrowed, the requesting users and dates needed are listed above the Submit button.

Use this information to determine if your request is likely to cause a conflict. Where possible, submit values in the Date Required and Not Required After fields that would allow the your request to be accommodated without conflicting with the existing requests.

If a conflict cannot be avoided because the access to the item at a particular time is necessary, log the request anyway. The RM administrator may be able to resolve the conflict when loaning the item(s).

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