Adding or Editing RM Quick Searches

To add or edit a Quick Search:

  1. Click Quick Searches on the toolbar.

  2. Click the New Quick Search button.

  3. In the Quick Search Name field, enter the name for your new search.

  4. Select the Show on Quick Reference Page check box to make the new Quick Search available on the Quick Reference page.

  5. By default, the current user is the only user with access to the current Quick Search. To allow other users or groups to use this quick search with full (view, edit, and delete) or limited rights, click the Edit Security button to access the Trustees Security Applet and define trustees for the Quick Search.

  6. Enter your Quick Search Properties and Criteria in the forms provided.

  7. Click the Save Quick Search button to display the Quick Search page with the new Quick Search added to the list. (Clicking Run Quick Search executes the search but does not save it.)

  8. To test the search just created, highlight it and click the Search button.

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