Access Rights Templates and Options

The DM Classic Webtop provides four predefined Rights Templates and a fifth “Custom” template that allows users to assign custom trustee rights by selecting a combination of the eight Access Rights options that are available.

Assign a Rights Template to a user or group from the Current Trustees list by clicking the name to select it. Select the appropriate template from the drop-down menu list under Access Rights. The default template options are:

Rights Template
View Profile
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to view the profile of a selected document, but not to retrieve, view, edit, or copy the document or profile.
Read Only
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to view the profile and document, but not to edit or delete the document or profile.
Normal Access
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to view and edit the profile and to view, edit, retrieve, and copy the document.
Full Access
Allows the currently selected trustee all rights. The Access Published Only right is not selected because it disallows users from viewing all the versions of a document.
Allows the currently selected trustee to be granted a custom set of rights from the eight Access Rights options listed in the next table.

Using the Custom template option (which is automatically selected if users assign a set of individual rights that do not coincide with any of the predefined rights templates), users can Allow or Deny any or all of the following eight individual access rights for the currently selected trustee:

Access Right
View Profile
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to view, but not edit, the Document Profile.
Edit Profile
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to view and edit the Document Profile.
View Document
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to view, but not edit, the document.
Retrieve Document
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to retrieve the document and to view, but not edit, the Document Profile. Trustees must save any edits as a new document.
Edit Document
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to edit the document.
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to retrieve a copy of the document and save it as a new document. Trustees cannot edit the original document or profile.
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to delete the document.
Control Access
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to control access to the document and to modify the trustee rights for the document.
Access Published Only
Allows the currently selected trustee the right to view only the published version of a document. The trustee will also have View Profile and View Document rights by default. In addition, a trustee that has Access Published Only rights can also be given Edit Profile, Copy, and Retrieve Document rights.

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