Work with Document Versions

To work with individual attachments, select the Attachments tab on the Document Details page.

To work with individual document versions, select the Versions tab on the Document Details page. If available, you can perform the following actions on the currently selected version(s) or sub-version(s) of the document:

Allows you to view the currently selected version of the document.
Get Copy
Downloads a copy of the latest version of the currently selected document to the user's hard drive from the DM Library without the requirement to View or Check Out the document.
Import New Version
Allows you to import a file as a new version of the selected document. See Import a Version or Sub-version for instructions.
Import New Sub-Version
Allows you to import a file as a new sub-version of the selected document version. See Import a Version or Sub-version for instructions.
Create New Version
Allows you to create a new version of the document from an existing document version. The new version is created using the document version you select before you click Create New Version. See Create New Version or Sub-Version for instructions.
Create New Sub-Version
Allows you to create a new sub-version of the document from an existing document version. The new sub-version is created using the document version you select before you click Create New Sub-Version. See Create New Version or Sub-Version for instructions.
Edit Properties
Accesses the Edit Version Properties page for the currently selected Version of the document.
Delete Version
If user has deletion rights for the currently selected document, this button deletes the currently selected version of the document.
Make Version Read-Only
Sets the selected document version as read-only. When set as read-only, the document version cannot be edited; edits need to be saved as a new version or sub-version. When viewing the <->Versions</-> tab on the Document Details page, a read-only version icon is displayed to indicate that the version is read-only.
Make Version writable
Allows the selected read-only version to be edited.
Sets the current version as a Published version. The Published version icon is displayed next to the version in the Versions tab.
Reset Publish
Removes the published designation from the selected version.
Creates a new document by using a copy of the selected version as the initial document content. The Copy Document page is displayed, allowing you to fill out the new Document Profile. Click Save when you are finished.

The following information is displayed for the currently selected version of the document:

The document version number.
The date this version of the document was last accessed.
The time this version of the document was last accessed.
The file size (in bytes) of this version of the document.
The User ID for the author of this version of the document.
The User ID for the last user to access this version of the document.
The information from the Comments field of the Document Check In page when this version was first created or from the Version Comments field of the Edit Version Properties page.

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