Fields on the RM Profile Search Page

This topic describes the fields on the Profile Search page as it appears to users of RM. DM Classic Webtop users who do not have RM installed should refer to Search for Documents.

If your DM administrator has customized this page, the fields you see on the screen may be different from those described here. Consult your administrator for an explanation of any customized fields.

Information entered into these fields is not case sensitive.

The name of a Document or Record, a File (including any term in its category), a File Part, or a Box. You can enter the full name (up to 240 characters) or enter a wildcard character.
The User ID for the person who created the item. Enter a name or click the table lookup button to see all valid entries.
For e-mail messages, the name of the person or organization that originated the message.
Doc No
The unique number assigned to a document when it is created.
The ID of the application used to create the document. Enter a value or click the table lookup button to see all valid entries.
For e-mail messages, the name of the person to whom the message was addressed.
Select Yes to search only for documents that have previously been marked as vital to your organization.
Select Yes to search only for frozen documents. Frozen is another term to describe suspended items. Suspended items are exempt from their assigned Disposal Action until they are released. For details, see The Release Command.
The number of the File Part where the document is stored. Click the table lookup button to open the File Part Lookup Page.
Section Code
The Section, if these are defined on your system. Click the table lookup button to see all valid entries.
The current location of the File Part. Click the table lookup button to see all valid entries.
Doc Type
The DM document type. Click the table lookup button to see all valid entries.
Item Type
The RM item type. Click the down arrow to see a list of valid entries. You can select multiple item types from the list. After you make a selection, the field displays only the numeric values for the selected types:
File Part=4
Media Type
The media type of the item.
The name of the originator's organization.
A text string that is searched for in the Description (ABSTRACT) field of Document Profiles.
Date Registered
The date when the item was entered into RM.
Date Last Accessed
The date when the item was last accessed.
Date Filed
The date when the item was first filed.
Read-only Date
The date when the document was made read-only.
Vital Record Review
The next date on which the Vital Status of the item is to be reviewed.
E-mail CC
If the document you are looking for is an e-mail message, RM searches CC fields for the value you enter here.
E-mail BCC
If the document you are looking for is an e-mail message, RM searches BCC fields for the value you enter here.
Search for
The text string for full-text (content) searching. This string can contain wildcard characters. See Full-Text Search Rules for instructions on performing a full-text search.
The location where RM should search, either the Document contents, the Profile fields, or both. The document contents can be searched only for electronic document, not paper documents, Files, or Boxes.

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