The RM Search Results Page

When you perform any type of search, the Search Results page is displayed, listing all of the items that meet the search criteria.

The Search Results information includes:

Checked-out document. A Word Document icon is shown here. RM includes application-specific document icons for many applications.
Record, either electronic or paper. A generic record icon is shown here. RM includes application-specific record icons for many applications.
Open File
Closed File
Open File Part. Documents and Records can be added to an open File Part.
Closed File Part. When a File Part is closed, Documents and Records cannot be added to it.
Reopened File Part. Documents and Records can be added to a reopened File Part. The icon serves as a reminder that the File Part probably needs to be closed again, once your work with it is done.
Destroyed or Transferred File Part. These are File Parts whose contents are no longer in the database, having been either destroyed or moved to an archival location.

The following columns are shown by default on the Search Results page installed by RM. You can also modify your Search Results page to display the columns you want. For details, refer to Use the Search Results Page. To set how many documents the Search Results page lists and how these results are displayed, modify the Display Settings section of the My Options page.

Last Edited Date
Date of Last Edit.
Item Type
Specifies the type of item:
0: Document
1: Record (a Read-only document)
4: File (or File Part)
5: Box
Doc No.
The DM Document Number.
The item's subject or name.
The name of the associate application.
The user name of the item's author.
Displays Y if the item has been suspended; otherwise displays N.
Displays Y if the item has been Related to any other item.
Active Status
The open status of the File or File Part, or the Document's parent File Part. The following values are possible:
O Open
R Reopened
C Closed
If the item is a filed Document, its parent File Part Number. If the item is a File Part, its File Part Number.
Part Status
The availability of the item. The following statuses are possible:
Transfer Pending
Destroy Pending
The DM Library where item is stored.

These RM-specific buttons appear on the toolbar:

  • Request: Opens the New Request page where you can enter a request to borrow the selected item(s).

  • Loan: Opens the Loan Items page where you can record the lending of items to another user.

  • Return: Records that the selected item has been returned to its regular storage location.

  • Disposal Instructions: Opens the Assign Disposal Instructions page where you can assign or change the Document's Disposal Instruction.

These RM-specific commands appear on the More actions menu:

  • Change Vital Status: Immediately toggles the item's Vital status.

  • Disposal Instructions: Opens the Assign Disposal Instructions page where you can assign or change the Document's Disposal Instruction.

  • Loan: Opens the Loan Items page where you can record the lending of items to another user.

  • Supersede: Opens a new search window where you can select the Document that supersedes this Document.

  • Suspend: Immediately freezes the item so that it is no longer available for Disposal processing.

  • Vital Review Date: Opens a calendar where you can select a date to review the item's Vital status.

To view the contents of an item:

  • Click the Contents icon to view the contents of a Box or File Part. See The Contents Tab for instructions.

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