Create a Folder Using HTML Forms

To create a folder:

  1. Click the New Folder link under the Libraries link. The New Folder page is displayed.

  2. Fill out the fields as described below. The Application field is filled out for you:

    Folder Name: Enter a descriptive name for the new folder.

    Author: Author of the document. Selecting the table lookup button launches a Table Lookup that contains a searchable list (defined by your system administrator) of Authors.

    Document Type: Type of document. Selecting the table lookup button accesses a Lookup dialog box that contains a searchable list (defined by your system administrator) of Document Types.

    Secure Document: To limit access to the folder, select the Secure Document check box. Click the Edit Security button to view the Security dialog box and edit who has access to the folder and what type of access they have. See Assign Rights to a Document for additional instructions. Also see Notes on Security Inheritance for notes on how security settings are inherited when you create and move folders.

    Public Folder: Sets the new folder as a folder that is visible to each user accessing the library.

    Retention Type: The destination of this document after Retention Days expire. Default values are Archive, Delete, Keep, Optical, Template, and Paper. See also: Document Retention.

    Days: The number of days the document remains on the system past Last Edit Date. This field is valid when the Type is Archive, Delete, or Optical. Depending on how your DM administrator has set up your system, you may be able to change this value. See also: Document Retention.

    Description: Your description of the folder. If you perform a query-by-example (QBE) search, you can search for a folder using words contained in this field.

  3. Click the Save button to finish. The Folder Details page is opened with your new folder displayed.

    Click the Clear All button to clear all entries currently in the fields of the New Folder page.

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