Smart CheckIn/CheckOut

Smart Check In/Check Out is a browser-based component that provides “ease-of-use” functionality to the process of moving documents and document copies back and forth between DM and the library.

When downloading a file (when using Check Out or Get Copy, for example) without the Smart Check In/Check Out feature being active, the DM Classic Webtop presents users the option of renaming the file before it is saved to their local drive\directory.

Unfortunately, when it comes time to return the file to the library (using Check In), you must remember the original file name and location for files that had been renamed as part of the download process.

With the Smart Check In/Check Out component installed, the DM Classic Webtop allows you to select a default drive\directory as the starting point for all file transfers while still retaining the ability to change drive\directory locations on a file-by-file basis. In this manner, the DM Classic Webtop is able to “remember” the original path and file name associated with the file and can automatically check the file back in to its original library location.

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