Work with Documents

Users can perform specific actions on documents using buttons or links that are available on the various pages of the DM Classic Webtop interface.

Which buttons or links are visible, where they are located on the tab view and items list, and whether or not they are enabled, will depend on the factors described in the topic Availability of Options in the DM Classic Webtop.

The following list is in alphabetical order by button title. As explained above, not all buttons will be present on all pages, and some buttons that are present may not be available for use.

Add a Related Item
Displays the Search window from which you can select an item to add as a Related Item to the selected document.
Add to Attache
Adds the document to the Attach\x8e file and allows the user to later access and work with the document when no longer connected to the DM server.
Add to Folder
Adds the selected document(s) to a folder of your choice.
Add to Route
Adds the selected document(s) to a new route.
Add to Workspace
Adds the selected document(s) to a workspace of your choice.
Check In
If the currently selected document is checked out by the user, this button copies the document to the library from the user's hard drive using the Check In Document page.
Check In and Unlock
If the currently selected document is checked out and locked by the user, this button copies the document to the library from the user's hard drive and then unlocks the document (so other users can again edit it) using the Check In Document page.
Check Out
If the currently selected document is available to be checked out, this button copies the document to the user's hard drive from the library using the Check Out Document page.
Check Out and Lock
If the currently selected document is available to be checked out, this button copies the document to the user's hard drive from the library and locks the document (so that other users cannot edit it) using the Check Out Document page.
Prepares the currently selected document for use with eDOCS DM's document collaboration application, Collaboration. Please refer to your collaboration user manual for additional information.
Compatible Apps
When a document created in one integrated application can be opened in another integrated application, they are referred to as Compatible Applications. This button allows users to retrieve documents with any alternate applications that have been previously configured by the DM administrator.
Creates a copy of the selected item. See Create a Copy of a Document or Folder for information on creating a copy of a document. See Use the Folder Details Profile Tab for instructions on creating a copy of a folder.
Create New Sub-Version
Allows you to create a new sub-version of the document from an existing document version. The new sub-version is created using the document version you select before you click Create New Sub-Version. See Add a Version or a Sub-Version for instructions.
Create New Version
Allows you to create a new version of the document from an existing document version. The new version is created using the document version you select before you click Create New Version. See Add a Version or a Sub-Version for instructions
If the user has deletion rights for the currently selected document, this button deletes the document. This function will delete both the content and profile of the document.
Delete Attachment
Deletes the selected attachment.
Delete Contents
If the user has deletion rights for the currently selected document, this button deletes the file associated with the document. The Document Profile will remain intact, but it will no longer contain a link to the document (similar to how a paper document consists of a profile but has no actual file associated with it).
Delete Sub-Version
If the you have deletion rights for the currently selected document, this button deletes the currently selected sub-version of the document.
Delete Version
If the you have deletion rights for the currently selected document, this button deletes the currently selected version of the document.
Document Details
Accesses the Document Details page for the currently selected document.
Edit Profile
Accesses the Edit Document Profile page for the currently selected document.
Edit Properties
Accesses the Edit Version Properties page for the currently selected Version of the document.
Get Copy
Downloads a copy of the latest version of the currently selected document to the user's hard drive from the DM Library without the requirement to View or Check Out the document.
Import New Sub-Version
Allows you to import a file as a new sub-version of the selected document version. See Add a Version or a Sub-Version for instructions
Import New Version
Allows you to import a file as a new version of the selected document. See Add a Version or a Sub-Version for instructions.
Lock Only
If the currently selected document is available to be locked, this button locks the document. No other user will be able to edit the document without first using the Get Copy function.
Opens the default Mail client (for example, Outlook) and presents the user several options for adding the currently selected document to a new e-mail message.
Make Read-Only
Sets the selected document or document version as read-only. When set as read-only, the document or document version cannot be edited; edits need to be saved as a new version or sub-version. When viewing the Versions tab on the Document Details page, a read-only version icon is displayed to indicate that the version is read-only. Or, when viewing a document listing, the document icon would indicate the document contained a read-only version or versions.
Opens the currently selected document using the application that is associated with the document (for example, a Word document will be opened using Microsoft Word).
Prints the currently selected document using the application that is associated with the document (for example, a Word document will be printed using Microsoft Word).
Print List
Displays a window from which you can use the browsers <->Print</-> option ( <->File>Print</->) to print the selected listing.
Accesses the Document Details page for the currently selected document.
Sets the current version as a Published version. The Published version icon is displayed next to the version in the Versions tab.
Depending on your site's setup, if a version of the document is currently set as published, the following message is displayed: “Version <n> of document # <document number, Document Name> is currently set as published. Do you want to set version <x> as published, and mark version <n> as read-only?” Click Yes to publish the selected version. The previously published version is then set as read-only. Click Cancel to cancel the publish operation.
Queue for Deletion
If the user does not have deletion rights for the currently selected document, this button allows the user to mark the document for deletion by a supervisor. This function changes the Storage Type to Delete and the number of Retention Days to 0.
Both the content and profile of the document will be deleted once a DM administrator runs the Storage Management utility and deletes the document.
Relate Items
Allows you to create a Related Items link between documents.
Remove Read-Only
Allows the selected read-only version to be edited.
Remove Related Item
Removed the selected related item. See View and Create Related Items for more instructions.
Reset Publish
Removes the published designation from the selected version.
Saves any changes you have made to the properties of an item.
Unlock Only
If the currently selected document is checked out or locked by the user, this button will unlock the document and make it available to other users.
Accesses the Document Versions page for the currently selected document.
Accesses the Document Versions page for the currently selected document.
Allows user to view the contents of the currently selected document.
View History
Accesses the Document History page for the currently selected document.
View Version
Allows users to view the currently selected version of the document.

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