View Your Quick Search Results

The results of your Quick Search are displayed in the Quick Search: <your quick search name> page. From this page you can perform actions against the listed documents.

  • To reorder a search results list based on a column, click the column heading. Click the column heading twice to change the sort order from ascending to descending.

  • You can change the columns that are displayed on your Search Results list. See Modify the Search Results Columns.

  • For instructions on working with multiple items in an item listing, see Work with Multiple Items.

  • Actions that you can only perform on a single selected item are accessed through the drop-down More actions menu or the icons in the rows of each items list. You can set which single-document action icons are displayed in items lists in the My Options>Display Options tab under Action Icons.

  • E-mail documents that have attachments are indicated with the E-Mail Attachments icon.

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