Actions on the More Actions Menu

From an items list, you can use the More actions menu to access actions that you can perform on a single item at a time. If you want to perform actions on more than one document at a time, use the gray toolbar options. For instructions on working with multiple items at a time, see Work with Multiple Items.

You can set which single-document action icons are displayed in items lists in the My Options>Display Options tab under Action Icons. If an icon is added to the list, the option will not be available from the More actions menu.

Depending on your setup, the following actions are available from the More actions menu on any document list:

Add to Attach\x8e
Adds the currently selected document to the Attache file and allows you to later access and work with the document when no longer connected to the DM server.
Add to Folder
Displays the Search window for you to select a folder to which to add the selected document. Perform a Quick Search or Profile Search. Select the folder you want from the Search Results tab and click Select.
Add to Workspace
Displays the Workspaces page from which you can select a workspace to which you can add the document. Select the workspace to which you want to add your document and click the Add to button. The Workspace page is displayed with your document listed.
Displays the Attachments tab on the Details page for the selected item where you view and can work with Attachments. See Work with Attachments for instructions.
Change Profiles
Allows you to change profile information for one or more items. See Change Multiple Profiles for instructions.
Allows you to create a new document using the content of the selected document as the initial content for the new document. See Create a Copy of a Document or Folder for instructions.
Delete Content
If you have deletion rights for the currently selected document, this option deletes the file associated with the document.
The Document Profile will remain intact but it will no longer contain a link to the document (similar to how a paper document consists of a profile but has no actual file associated with it).
If you have deletion rights for the currently selected document, this option deletes the document. This function will delete both the content and the profile of the document.
Get Copy
Downloads a copy of the latest version of the currently selected document to your hard drive from the library without the requirement to View or Check Out the document.
Accesses the Document History page for the currently selected document.
Make Read-Only
Sets the document as read-only. The document cannot be edited; edits need to be saved as a new version or sub-version. A red square is added to the document icon to indicate that the document is read-only.
Displays the Notification tab on the details page for the selected item where you can set and change Notifications. See Set Up Event Notification for instructions.
Displays the Version List dialog box allowing you to Publish the Last Recently Edited Version or a Specified Version. If you select Specified Version, a list of versions is displayed for you to select the one you want to Publish. Click OK to finish.
The Published version icon is displayed next to the version in the Versions tab.
Depending on your site's setup, if a version of the document is currently set as published, the following message is displayed: “Do you want to set the Last Recently Edited version of the selected document (or documents) as published and set the currently published versions, if any, as read-only?” Click Yes to publish the Last Recently Edited Version. The previously published version is then set as read-only. Click Cancel to cancel the publish operation.
Queue For Deletion
If you do not have deletion rights for the currently selected document, this option allows you to mark the document for deletion by a Supervisor. This function changes the Storage Type to Delete and the number of Retention Days to 0.
Both the content and profile of the document will be deleted once a DM administrator runs the Storage Management utility and deletes the document.
Remove Read-Only
Removes the read-only designation, allowing the document to be edited.
Show Related Items
Displays the Related Items tab on the Document Details page. From this tab you can view all the related items for the selected document, as well as add or remove any related items.
Update Property
Allows you to change an item's display name. <->See </->Update an Item's Properties.
Accesses the Versions tab on the Document Details page for the currently selected document.
Allows you to view the contents of the currently selected document.
Where Used
Displays the Where Used tab on the Document Details page. From this tab you can view all the folders where the selected folder or document is used.

Options available with DM Classic Webtop Application Integration

Compatible Apps
When a document created in one integrated application can be opened in another integrated application, they are referred to as Compatible Applications. This option allows you to retrieve documents with any alternate applications that have been previously configured by the DM administrator.
Opens the default Mail client (such as Microsoft Outlook) and presents you several options for adding the currently selected document to a new e-mail message. You can also add a reference to a folder to a new e-mail message.
Opens the currently selected document using the application that is associated with the document (for example, a Word document will be opened using Microsoft Word).
Prints the currently selected document using the application that is associated with the document (for example, a Word document will be printed using Microsoft Word).

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